Calatorii magice in lumi literare

25 03. 2010, 06:00

Ne vom imprieteni cu unii dintre eroii celebri ai literaturii pentru copii: Tom Sawyer si Huckleberry Finn, Bilbo Hobitul, Leul Aslan, Micul Print si Harry Potter. Vom citi fragmente din textele originale in limba engleza si le vom discuta in cadrul atelierului. * In ce imprejurari s-au imprietenit Tom Sawyer si Huckleberry Finn? De ce inelul lui Bilbo era atat de pretios? Cum se ajungea in taramul fermecat al Narniei? Ce l-a invatat vulpea pe Micul Print despre prietenie? Cine sunt cei mai buni amici ai lui Harry Potter? Atelierul de limba engleza ne va ajuta sa raspundem la aceste intrebari, precum si la multe altele, descoperind felul in care acesti eroi literari au devenit personajele favorite ale copiilor si ale parintilor, deopotriva. Ne vom adresa, in principal, copiilor cu un nivel intermediar sau avansat de cunoastere a limbii engleze.

Cursul urmareste imbunatatirea aptitudinilor de comunicare in limba engleza, dezvoltarea sensibilitaţii, imbogatirea vocabularului, precum si incurajarea creativitatii copiilor, a exprimarii propriilor idei si emotii intr-un mod clar, structurat si viu.Discutiile de grup vor facilita descoperirea unor semnificatii noi in actiunile si caracterele morale ale personajelor selectate si mai ales vor ajuta copiii sa dobandeasca arta expunerii si a dramatizarii unor opinii si sentimente. Prin intalnirea directa cu aceste carti, copiii vor invata sa aprecieze sau sa aprofundeze placerea lecturii in original a unor texte clasice ale literaturii, dezvoltandu-si astfel inteligenţa, imaginaţia, spiritul critic si capacitatea de concentrare. *Cu exceptia Micului Print, al carui autor era francez (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), toate celelalte personaje apartin literaturii anglo-saxone.

Magic journeys in literary worlds - English language workshop

7 workshops

This class invites you to a journey into the worlds of famous literary characters, such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Bilbo the Hobbit, Prince Caspian, the Little Prince, and Harry Potter. We will read and discuss excerpts of some of the most well-known English language books of children's literature. * Under what circumstances did Tom Sawyer befriend Huck Finn? Why was Bilbo's ring so precious? What was the path towards the magic realm of Narnia? What did the fox teach the Little Prince about the power of friendship? Who were Harry Potter's best friends and how did they help him to fight Voldemort?
The English language workshop will help us answer these questions, and much more. We will learn why children and parents alike have become fascinated by these characters.
The workshop targets children with an intermediate to advanced proficiency in English, especially in reading and speaking. The participants will improve their communication skills and enrich their vocabulary in a creative manner, by engaging in conversations on various themes and participating in interactive games, role-playing debates, and storytelling. Children will be encouraged to express their opinions about the stories and characters in a sensitive and clear manner. They will learn how to interact with their peers and how to react when confronted with a different point of view.
The group discussions will be moderated in such a way that the children will grasp novel and perhaps deeper meanings of the stories, the plot, the characters and the relations among them. Moreover, the role-playing exercises will help them develop skills in the arts of storytelling and performance. Our encounter with some of the classic children's books of the English language will make children discover or deepen their love for reading. Through this process, the participants will develop their critical thinking skills, increase their attention span, and enhance their imagination and intelligence.
* All of the characters but the Little Prince were conceived by Anglo-Saxon authors. The author of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, was a French writer and journalist.

Class schedule
In each class we will read and discuss a fragment chosen by the lector. The fragments will be distributed a week in advance in class.
week 1 Introduction
week 2 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
week 3 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
week 4 The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
week 5 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
week 6 The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
week 7 Conclusion. Each participant will prepare a very short presentation on her or his favorite character, selected from the literary works discussed in class.

lector Ema Neamtu
Durata curs: 7 ateliere
Frecventa: saptaminal
Cost curs: 210 ron
Loc desfasurare: Fundatie
Data incepere: 7 aprilie, 18:30 (max 15 copii/grupa - min 10 ani)
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